Company Profile

Euro Store («E-Store») is the gourmet division of AC of Miami and Quinta Food Group: two companies founded and operated by the Quinta family. AC of Miami was created by Mario Quinta and has over 20 years of experience in the food business, product distribution, and international business administration. AC of Miami handles all business regarding North, Central and South America as well as the Caribbean. Quinta Food Group was founded in 2016 by Lucas Quinta with the objective of replicating the success of AC of Miami but with European, African and Asian countries. Both companies work together creating a synergistic relation with our partner factories and clients so in return we can provide the highest quality product at the most competitive price possible. We work with factories around the world so we are prepared with strategically located distribution centers which allow us to deliver our clients any product they are looking for with the highest efficiency possible. All our sourced products are managed by our offices in Miami and Madrid.

High Quality Guarantee

Quality is one of our biggest priority, our products are tested to assure we are in strict adherence to quality standards in any country we develop our projects in. The factories we have alliances with have the highest certifications such as BRC, SQF, FDA, Halal, Kosher, etc. This allows us to have the utmost flexibility to adapt to the customers needs and preferences no matter the country or market.

Gourmet Products

We bring the finest gourmet products right to your business doorstep